Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Facebook re-invents social information.

Today was f8, Facebook's conference for announcing upcoming developments. Among all of the features talked about, what had me most excited were the "Social Plugins" they've announced. As of today you can now go to a number of websites, including this one to see new ways of sharing information with friends.

One of my favorites of these social plugins is the new "Like" button that can now be added to any website by a developer in which users can click on it and it will not only tell people at that you liked the page but it will also show you what other friends who were there previously have also liked it. Check it out, go to, look up a movie, an actor, a tv show, and you'll see a facebook plugin with the "Like" button. The buttons at IMdB will also add movies and tv shows you like to your favorite movies, so rather than having it show up that you like something in your feed for a few short hours, it edits your profile information to make it more permanent for others to look at.

Other social plugins provided by facebook include a live stream from a facebook page, ability to add comments to a page, a login box, recommended pages to visitors, and more. If you would like like to take a look at or maybe add some of these features to your site like I have, head on over to for more information about what these things do.

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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Guide to dating on Craigslist.

People who know me will know I'm probably not the best guy to get dating advice. I've never been very successful about actively finding and getting dates. Theres a couple of reason for it, one being I'm not exactly in a good place where I need to be out dating. If someone finds me and wants to see how things go thats fine, but I'm not going to respond to ads and see about getting something going. The other reason being that I take precautions to protect my computer from potential problems and more importantly myself from getting into a bad situation. I'm not writing this to talk about my own experiences but to educate the folks out there posting/replying to ads to protect themselves.

So lets talk about the risks your taking with online dating. The most important problem with online dating is you don't really know who someone really is until you get a chance to meet them face to face. Then again, some people dont show their real personality until they get what they want out of you. This has been the case with the traditional act of dating and not just online dating so most people are pretty familiar with this anyway. The thing with online dating however is that with the advances in technology it is easier to find out who people are, who they interact with and maybe if they've had some interesting history.

The other risks you may face with online dating is internet spam. There are a number of ways you can encounter this spam; there are people out there who create fake ads that try to trick visit their website. People who dont take precautions to watch out for these fake ads open themselves up to unwanted e-mail spam and possibly computer viruses. These fake ads can also come in the form of replies to ads that you post, so dont think your safe because you dont reply to the ads, they can reply to you too. Dont worry though, I'll teach you how to detect some of these fake ads.

When replying to ads, how might you protect yourself? You might ask yourself a few questions about the person your interested in. Do they have a picture? Where are they from, is it a place that actually exists? How do they want to be contacted? What are they actually looking for in a person? Have they posted a link in their ad? Does the ad sound similar to any other ads you've read recently?

Fortunately craigslist does a great job of clearing out fake advertisements from their listings. In most cases, advertisements have been removed from previous previous days of listings so your chances of getting something you dont want are slim. What to watch out for are those posts that are posted the day or sometimes even 1 day prior. If the post in question has a link in it, your best choice is to ignore it and move on to the next listing. If the post has an email address or tells you to go to a website to sign up and verify you are who you say you are, dont respond, they are phishing for your information to send you email spam or in the worst case, steal your identity. In the case of a picture, what kind of picture did they provide? Does the picture seem to be a little adult oriented, skip it, your only asking for trouble.

As for posting your own ads, this is actually a bit easier to figure out and thats part of the reason I only wait for replies rather than do my own responding. So here are a few questions to ask yourself when looking at responses to your ads. Who did the email come from? Does the email look like a real email address? Do they ask you to visit a particular link in their response? Do they ask questions you've already answered in your craigslist post? Have they answered a question or done what you've asked in your ad to filter the fake ads out? (I'll talk about this last one in a little bit when I go into ad posting tips.)

I absolutely love verifying by email because it nails most of the ads right away. I dont know about your email provider but I use gmail and when someone emails me I get both a first name and a last name for who that email came from. Sometimes its just initials which is fine because people dont like that stuff being shared when they email others. Since in most cases I have a name right away I already have something to use to verify a person is who they say they are.

But how do you know the email itself is bad? Take this email for example that I got today in my email inbox. It came from someone named Rose Hernandez from So how do I know its fake you might be wondering because the name seems to match the email address. Those numbers tipped me off. People do put numbers in their email address but they are usually things that are easy to figure out, a birthday, age, zip code, year. What is 979? It doesn't really make much sense to me, it could be a month and a year but why take the risk sending a reply to it giving the person that sent it knowledge of my email address which they didn't have because craigslist doesn't give that away.

Another way to make sure your not replying to a fake reply is by seeing if they want you to reply to another email address. I'll typically see a couple of these a day saying "This is my friends/sisters/brothers email, please send reply to this other email address." If they were a real person why aren't they using their own email address? How many of you have used someone else's email to send a reply to something as personal as a dating website or anything for that matter? The emails these come from are usually real but belong to people who didn't protect themselves and someone gained access to it to send out spam so it looks like its real.

The whole verify your age trick is something pretty new and is just as bad as those emails people used to get to verify their bank information. Its just someone trying to scam you for your information to either send you spam or steal your identity. Do not fill out these verification forms. Find other ways to prove you are who you are, like you know, meet them in person.

Now I know some people aren't exactly willing to share something as personal as a picture over the internet. But a lot of fake ads will actually say something to like "I'll send you a picture if you send me one." We'll you've already accomplished half of the battle if you've posted a picture in your original ad. And I mean an actual picture, not something stupid like a sunset or some text with nothing visual of you in it. If your in the picture they should already know what you look like and therefor shouldn't need to ask for a picture. Thats 50% of the fake ads right there if you've provided your own picture first.

At this point you may now be looking at a reply that may be from an actual person who wants to meet you. Don't think that your done yet because theres still another step you can take to protect yourself from individuals you may not want to associate with. As I said before most email services will tell you who the name of the person the email belongs to. Theres a couple things you can do with this information. Social networks such as Facebook and Myspace are your friends in this case because a lot of people use these sites, not all do, but theres a good chance. Theres search bars at these sites where you can copy/paste the email address into and see if the person is registered to these sites. If the email didn't come up with anything, use the name your email service provided you with. Then as a last resort go to the google or any other search engine and try both the email and the full name there. If nothing comes up thats fine, but if something does show up, you now have quite a bit more information than you did previously about that person. If you do find something, make sure its actually the person your looking for. I can google my name and find out someone with the same name has also competed in MMA fighting tournaments, its obviously not me. So keep stuff like that in mind.

Going back to what I was talking about for about filtering out the spam, this is what I do and it works in most cases. Create a filter question in your craigslist ad and ask people to answer it in either the subject line or somewhere in their reply. Doing this will allow you to look for a specific answer that 100% of all fake replies will not answer if you ask the right question. A good question to ask is something that gives a specific answer? Show some personality in your questions and you'll get personality right back. Personally I tend to ask a silly question that not only lets the person know I'm a little creative and fun to talk to and in return the people that do respond reveal some personality in their answers. I've had serious answers come back to silly questions and I've had fun answers come back. Real people respond in different ways, fake people wont respond to it at all. Use filter questions and you'll avoid unwanted spam.

Before I let you go let me offer you some last words of advice for once you've finally started talking to some real people over the internet.
1. If your not comfortable talking to them over the internet, do not meet them in person.
2. Do not give away any personal information until you've had a chance to get to know them.
3. When you do decide to meet, do something in a public place. Your safer where other people can see you.

Good luck out there.

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Sunday, March 7, 2010

Drawing Pad

This last weekend I decided to do some cleaning up in my room and see how much I can get rid of that I dont absolutely need or see myself using again in the future. Among the items I found was my old drawing pad from high school. Some of these are just mimic'd drawings out of comic books I had at the time and never finished. Figured I'd share with the world the talent I used to have...

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Sunday, February 21, 2010

Sony's new PS3 peripheral a girl's best friend?

So my friend Matthew Smith ( and I were talking the other night in an IRC channel about some of our favorite gaming consoles. Something came out along the way about how I had heard of a possible price drop for the Wii sometime this year if they were to compete with the other systems this year. Microsoft has Project Natal, a hands-free motion sensing technology that lets you use your body as a controller and thats due out for this years holiday season. And then theres Sony's wand... Matthew sent me an image link of the device which in theory is supposed to be similar to that of the Wii's controller, hence a reason for a price drop on that console. Now I'll give you a few moments to really look at it and see what the first thing is that comes to mind...

... really... take a moment...

Ok now, doesn't that look like a friggin dildo? I really shouldn't know these things... but it looks like its got all the right curves for every girls secret desire. I wonder if this is Sony's idea of appealing to female gamers. "I cant get a dildo for my Xbox 360 so I went with the PS3."

If that wasn't bad enough, Sony uses this technology in their controllers that they call "Dualshock" (its really just a couple of badly balanced motors) which creates a vibration for that extra sensory when playing games. I can only imagine this vibration technology being introduced into these wands.

Anyone remember the Harry Potter brooms that recalled because girls got a little too excited when they discovered their brooms could vibrate? Or how about recently... the full-sized Team Jacob and Edward pillows for girls to sleep with. I'm thinking marketing is getting a little bit too risky these days with kids...

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Monday, February 8, 2010

Warforged Update!

So last night I submitted my warforged warlock to my dm to get approval and to see if there was any suggestions as to improve or change anything. Turns out that I do need to make a few changes to fit the world and the background but there is nothing major. I'll post an update after I get that done and submitted. Anyways, he went to explain what he pictures this character to be and let me tell you that this guy is a genius! Take a look at what he wrote.

I'm imagining a warforged whose metal is rusted red/brown; wood pieces black and slick, like dead wood in a forest; the slight smell of compost; sprouts of living plants from some joints and intersections of plates; eyest that glow a bright, verdant green; and, this ironwood root structure spiked gauntlet, with four inch unbreakable thorns which seem impossibly sharp...
Now I dont know about you but that like totally opened up all sorts of ideas as to what this character might look like to someone who may have stumbled upon him in the middle of an old forest. So its all I've been able to think about today is what my character may look like. Above is what I've drawn so far and I know that it really doesn't look like theres a whole lot of wear and tare on this guy aside from the cracked brow. What I see is an old vine thats draped over the top of his head... he's maybe got a mushroom or some kind of fungus growing out of his neck. A tree or some kind of plant has taken root near his legs and has formed around him over the last several hundred years to claim the character as a part of the plant. And that spiked gauntlet is in a tangle of vines. My character is a prisoner of the forest and the plants his prison until he is awakened once more...

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Sunday, February 7, 2010

I will be a Warforged Warlock

Previously I posted about how I was prepping to become a dungeon master so I could have an easier time setting up a group since DM's can be hard to find. Turns out I was wrong because after joining a group on for local D&D players I've now found a position as a player in a group. Last night we got together for the first time so everyone could meet and we could get a feel for who people are. Among quite a bit of of socializing we got to hear about this world that our DM has created and played in for the last 10 years or so and dang this place is massive! Theres all sorts of history going on and events from previous campaigns that its almost overwhelming with how much there is to keep track of. Even the calendar is different... 9 days in a week, are you kidding me? goblins get free reign of the world on the sabbath? WHAT? I cant wait.

So as we were discussing the world we went around to see what everyone would like to play. Well the night before I had this great idea for a warforged warlock. Turns out that it would work great in this world since there "was" a guy creating warforged dudes in the worlds history and he was killed and no more warforged are being made. My dude will be a lost warforged, abandoned, in fact he wont even know who he is, where he came from, his purpose in life or any of that. All that he will know is that he was found and he has the ability to make things happen with the wave of his hands.

I spent some time this morning working on the character in the character builder from wizards. This is what I've come up with so far, pending review from the DM to see if its acceptable. I appologize for it not looking very pretty but you get what you get for now.

====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======
Unknown, level 1
Warforged, Warlock
Eldritch Blast: Eldritch Blast Constitution
Eldritch Pact: Fey Pact

Str 10, Con 18, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 16.

Str 8, Con 16, Dex 10, Int 13, Wis 11, Cha 16.

AC: 11 Fort: 14 Reflex: 12 Will: 15
HP: 30 Surges: 10 Surge Value: 7

Insight +5, Bluff +8, Intimidate +10, Arcana +6

Acrobatics, Diplomacy +3, Dungeoneering, Endurance +6, Heal, History +1, Nature, Perception, Religion +1, Stealth, Streetwise +3, Thievery, Athletics

Level 1: Reaper's Touch

Warlock encounter 1: Witchfire
Warlock daily 1: Flames of Phlegethos

Spiked gauntlet
====== Created Using Wizards of the Coast D&DI Character Builder ======

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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Road to Dungeon Mastering

Reposted from Google Wave (

After gaining some renewed interest in participating in an actual Pen and Paper RPG I'm finding that the only real way to start playing is by becoming a Dungeon Master myself. I only have very brief experience in playing Dungeons & Dragons so I have a long rocky road ahead of me.

Why am I doing this?

Frankly, I'm bored. I need something to entertain myself and open up my creative mind to new experiences. I'm getting tired of playing video games anymore and I am looking to do something that takes a bit more than just a point and click to accomplish.

What am I doing to prepare myself?

So I cheated, I have the entire 4th edition library at my disposal thanks to online resources. I have adventures, books, magazines all in pdf format that I can glance at as needed. I also have Dungeon Mastering for Dummies and Dungeons and Dragons for Dummies, both designed to help new and experienced users get a better grasp of the game. I've also picked up a set of my own dice finally. This is something I've always looked at doing in the past but just haven't felt the need to actually put money down on it.

I think for now the idea is to read as much as I can about dungeon mastering and about being a player so I have a good grasp of the rules. This way when I do start up a campaign things can run more smoothly and I wont have to spend a whole lot of time researching rules I should know off the top of my head. So far I'm starting with the dummies books. I've had lots of success with these in the past for various other topics and I trust them to give me a good understanding. I'll go through the official books afterwards, this way when the books go into detail I can focus less on terminology and more on the real rules, keeping the tips I've already learned fresh in my head.

Who will I be playing with?

I have a few friends that have tried playing before but didn't have much success getting into it due to time issues. Of course theres is always the internet if all else fails. Nothing wrong with a little skype action and I know theres software that can be used. Especially with google wave, it'd make for a great platform to run a good game. I dont know for certain who will be playing but I'm sure if I looked hard enough I can get some people to play.

When will I start?

This depends on a couple of things. When am I comfident enough to run people through an adventure and ready to risk the potential of having it all fall apart? How much do I know the rules? Who all is going to play and where will we meet? Its kind of a process to put this all together and its not something I've always been good at. Dan's house is probably the best place if they decide they want to play. Just because they are the ones with kids and its easier for them if they dont have to find someone to watch the kids to leave the house. Of course they could always bring the kids along for the evening and thats fine too, but then I'd have to find a place other than my place because my dogs and their kids is not a good idea.

What is the future of my P&P RPG experience?

I'm a Star Wars geek much more than I am a fan elves, dragons and magics. I think the next step would be to take my experience as a DnD DM and move towards the Star Wars Roleplaying game since it still uses the same D20 system that DnD does. I cant even imagine how much fun it would be to roleplay a character with his own lightsaber or perhaps even my very own Han Solo-like character. I think thats the direction I'd like to take this ultimately.

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