Friday, October 12, 2007

Looking back on this week...

So I finally picked up a job after taking an extended vacation for several months. I cant exactly say what I do for legal purposes other I do tech support for a well known computer manufacturer. There are a few people that do know but I've sworn them to secrecy, so hopefully they'll hold up on that so I can keep the job. Its been kind of a long week though, we have 3 weeks of training and I just completed that first week. Compared to what I did for Dell in Salt Lake City this is considerably less than what I was expecting to learn. The days so far have consisted of sitting in a U shaped table with computers behind us. We have to be told to even look at our email, cant really browse any pages other than what we are told to at the time. Its kind of strict. The trainer himself has somewhat of a weaselly retired-army look to him. No sense of humor whatsoever and laughs to his own jokes, mainly cause no one else in the class gets them. And he repeats stuff alot, which I could understand if it was something pertaining to the topic but he repeats his experiences and stories over and over. I try to get through class doped up on caffeine just so I can stay awake. I'm just afraid of what I may encounter when I actually start doing the job that I was hired for. Is the training going to be enough when half the time spent is listening to stuff off-topic? I did ask after he went through the syllabus for the class when the actual technical training gets started and he didn't even really answer the question. Just said that after we go through learning the tools it will all come together... I certainly hope so. Anyways, that's been my week in a nutshell with work.

My birthday is coming up... in about 13 minutes from the time of writing the sentence, it may be closer or arrived by the time I actually finish writing. We had a little bit of family over for dinner tonight to celebrate. Pretty much my typical birthday, I don't go out much, or at least I haven't before. I do get to go out tomorrow to see Washington State get the snot kicked out of them by the Ducks in Eugene. Well, that's what we Duck fans hope for as last week wasn't much to be excited about. Maybe we can do something good though. I also hopefully get to meet Alli. (Crosses fingers)

Alli and I have been talking off and on for the last several months but haven't exactly had a chance to meet in person yet. She's a great girl and seems to match what I try to look for perfectly. She's kind, intelligent, social, funny. I'm really looking forward to it. Just hope that the important first meeting isn't screwed up and all that time talking to her means nothing. I'm worried that she wont like the way I look in person or the way I present myself even though I try to be as open about it as I possibly can. I don't feel like I really have anything to hide with other than maybe my exact address, cause who likes stalkers? Anyways, meeting her tomorrow is sure to keep me up the rest of the night worrying.

I think if things continue to be eventful enough in the coming weeks I may try to do one update each week if not more to at least create some kind of journal. Hopefully it gives someone out there something interesting enough to read. If not... go away cause I wouldn't like you anyway.

So until next time, this is Jason, signing out.