Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Saying Goodbye

... to the World of Warcraft. This will be the 5th time (I think, may be more) I've tried to quit the game and hopefully this time I'll actually succeed. Its true what they say on the news and in the newspaper about its addictiveness compared to heroine. Its hard to leave behind the thrill for adventure, playing a persona where you can be whatever you desire. I could be a complete asshole if I feel like it and no one would know me any different. I'm constantly looking for ways to expand on my character and play with others. But this time I've decided its gotta be the end. I spend more time playing WoW than I do working on what I need to on my own life. I have higher priorities that need to take place where WoW has taken control. So here is to hoping I can stay away, once and for all. Wish me luck.