What exactly does this phrase mean and why would this nurse continue to phrase it as a transition in which the baby had no life prior to being born? At what point is it considered that a child is living? Isn't there laws which state that an abortion cannot be done after a certain time because the pregnancy is too far along, meaning life has begun? I dont know why this really hit home as much as it did. I dont agree with abortion of any kind for any reason... Life as far as I'm concerned is the moment of fertilization. I guess its kind of a topic thats been in my head lately. After the events of that woman who killed another and cut the baby out of her and they found that the baby was not considered murdered because it never took a breath...
I'm sorry but after 8 months that baby is living... Liam was born after 8 months and I dont know... looks pretty alive to me. I dont understand how they cant count the baby as being murdered, that bitch needs to go away for double homicide.
So I come back to this "Birth to Life" thing. I wanna know if this is something that hospitals have started asking their nursing staff to say to protect themselves from such cases. Are we trying to callus ourselves up for a world where abortion is part of an ordinary way of life? I dont like this world we are developing in which we no longer consider when a life matters. Whats next, children in the military? Why not? Other countries do it, lets just use them as cannon fodder so the soldiers with experience can do the real damage.
This world is bullshit!
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