Monday, February 2, 2009

Late Night Movies

Late last night I was in the mood to go through my netflix instant queue and knock out a movie on my list. After watching Ben Stein in the documentary titled "Exposed", I didn't feel like I was ready to get to sleep. It came down to a choice between watching "Summer of Same" or "Gameplan". I ended up choosing "Gameplan" because I thought it would be light and fun before going to bed.

Ultimately watching the movie was a terrible mistake. I laid there for atleast an hour, if not an hour point five contemplating my feelings towards the events of the film. Let me tell you a little bit about myself first before I go on. I'm 27 (or is it 28, I dont remember atm) and I haven't had any kind of physical interaction with that of the female-kind in atleast 2 years. No dates, no anything, and I'm effin lonely! I have a friend who's married with 1 kid and 1 on the way. Another friend who's had kids pretty much since I knew him in high school. I'd give anything to have a family of my own right now. So late last night after watching the movie, I laid there in the darkness contemplating the life I wish I had.

The "Game Plan" in brief is about a pro football player who is visited by a daughter he had never met before. Throughout the movie, he goes through a bit of personal growth has he deals with suddenly becoming a father and maintaining his football career. The part that really got to me was the interaction he had with his daughter and his attempts to take part in her interests, such as ballet. I think the part that gets me is that I dream about having that kind of interaction with a child of my own. I want to be someone looks up to and learns from.

This wasn't the first time I've done this. There was another movie that came out about a year ago called "Definately, Maybe" about a girl who asks her dad a series of questions about how he met her mom. Theres a kind of bond there between the father and daughter that feels so powerful and you can see the love they have for eachother.

I know it may sound kind of cheesy but with both films I couldn't help but tear up just a little. I'd give anything to have a family, think about it all the time. I know it'll come in time, but time flies and I'm not getting any younger. I guess the moral of the story is to be careful of what you watch late at night before bed. Stick with the things you dont long for, like drama or horror films (unless thats the kinky thing your into).

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